During the last month I have played several tens of games. Some are always there to return to but precious few are new and intriguing. I will discuss these four gems I think made the last month special.
Life Is Strange
This is one gorgeous adventure game we started with my wife a few weeks ago. We have only had time to finish the first Episode so far so we still have lots to see.
As an intriguing mechanism Life Is Strange gives Max, the protagonist, a time reversal power and makes it a puzzle-solving mechanism. Awesome, I say! Also the game looks really good. We have only touched the tip of an iceberg with the story and I'm eagerly waiting to see what's going to happen next and in what way Max' actions in the first Episode will come back to haunt us. I've heard good things about those consequences affecting the story but I wouldn't know until I see it.
8-Bit Adventures: The Forgotten Journey
Ah, 8-Bit Adventures. I seldomly really like JRPGs on Steam despite amassing quite a collection of them (too). 8-Bit Adventures was a pleasant exception to that infamous rule.
I grew up playing Dragon Warrior games on NES and later Final Fantasy games on SNES. 8-Bit Adventures managed to bring up many of the same feelings as those games back then.
In 8-Bit Adventures you control the three protagonists who have to go save the crystals and their dying world. Sounds familiar? It soon deviates from the deviously familiar plot to make something of its own. What was especially nice was that the pace was excellent: there was no time in my playthrough that I didn't have stuff to do. There is a lot of fighting but not at all as much as in, say, Dragon Warrior or Final Fantasy games. All in all it was a pleasure to play it through.
You can read my review on Steam here.
Contradiction - Spot the Liar!
(Pic is from Steam Store page of Contradiction, as I didn't take any screenshots)Ah, another game we played with my wife! Contradiction looked like something she would particularly enjoy, so we popped it up one evening and immediately played for a couple of hours into the night (frankly, maybe we should have started before midnight).
It's a detective adventure. There's been a suspicious suicide at the village. Detective Jenks is sent in to investigate. The story progresses through finding contradictions (hence the name) in the statements of people you interr... uh, interview. In effect it plays like many of those detective TV series.
What makes it particularly unique in today's world is that it is an FMV, full-motion video game, one where everything has been acted out on video by actors. It was originally funded through kickstarter with just 4000 £ (if one of the Steam reviews is to be trusted) so I think it was quite an achievement to make it up for such a small initial fund.
It was delightful to try and find the contradictions in peoples' statements! The acting's not bad either and we suspected pretty much everyone of something during the course of the game. I really hope it succeeds and they can make a sequel, and they need it to succeed to make it worthwhile to do one.
You can read my review of Contradiction on Steam here.
Duck Game
(No screencap this time: no time to take one during this game!)Last but least I would like to give an honorary mention to the couch / online action multiplayer game of the month. There have been many good ones released in the past year but this one just came up.
Duck Game is rad. It's like Super Smash Bros. and Soldat were combined in the best way possible to create a fast-paced party game (with one-hit kills). Go check it out. If you've got a bunch of friends over it's a great time killer (duck killer?) to gather and play in front of the TV (or computer as is) and try to out-play each other with reflexes and wits. So far we have not suffered from any serious lag either despite playing it mostly over Internet and we've had a blast with it.
Cheers and game on!